Heat EXCHANGER for rural cesspools


It consists of the association of microbes genera Bacillus, Enterobacter, Lactobacillus and enzymes.
Not genetically modified microorganisms used and classified according to the Sanitary Regulations SP 1.3.2322-08 not pathogenic to humans.
The total number of live microorganisms in the package - at least 200 billion.
Bioconcentrate "HEAT VILLAGE" is used for fast and efficient processing of organic waste into high quality organic fertilizer.
Specially selected Association beneficial natural microorganisms in combination with enzymes odors, solid waste decomposes to form carbon dioxide, water, and sediment.
The resulting by-products are environmentally friendly, do not violate ecological balance and can be used for soil as organic fertilizer in 3-4 weeks under the fruit trees, shrub crops, flowers, ornamental plants, potatoes, lawns, in accordance with the requirements for agronomic plants, the soil at the same time be healed by pathogenic microorganisms and improving its structure.

The bottle is designed for the volume of the processed weight of 1500 liters.

Mode of application:

The drug is used as a working solution, which is prepared by diluting 1 vial of the original concentrate 10l non-chlorinated water.
Working solution carefully before use. If the contents of the pit is a hardened mass, should be 24 hours before entering a biological product add 20-30 liters of non-chlorinated water.